In case you forgot, Morgan was wiped out from Naviti last week in a Survivor: Ghost Island #blindside. She gave her legacy advantage to Dom, who already has an idol. Dom right now seems pretty solid, but then again, this whole season is all about castmembers who effed it up bigtime in the past.
Speaking of “effed it up bigtime,” Chris comes back from Ghost Island and he looks secretly pissed that Dom’s still around. So, it’ll be interesting to see what happens there.
The Reward Challenge
At the reward challenge, our tribemates will be playing for peanut butter, jelly, and milk. The challenge involves collecting rings in the ocean, and a fair amount of swimming and fighting is involved.

Really — they have to pretty much claw each other in order to claim the ring for their side. And since it’s happening in the water, it’s even harder. Survivor hasn’t had a physical challenge like this in awhile, right? I vaguely remember one year where contestants literally beat each other up to avoid going home.
Naviti wins and is able to send someone from Malolo over to Ghost Island. They can’t decide, so they decide to have the team draw rocks. After revealing, it seems like Kellyn is the (lucky?) contestant who’ll be heading on over. She seems pretty positive about it.
Upon arriving, Kellyn is faced with a tough decision. If she gives up her vote, she gets an advantage. After a lot of thinking, she decides to just do what she thinks is right, and keep her vote. In talking about it, and saying how she’s been “blindsided” in her personal life a bunch, she starts to cry a little bit. “I believe…trusting your gut can get you further in this game,” she says.

Naviti was able to chow down on some peanut butter and jelly, and Chris admits that he wants to hear what happened. “Wendell and Dom went for Angela because they wanted the power away from me,” Chris says. Chris thinks Dom or Wendell need to go next, and that it’s time to go with the original Malolos. Laurel and Donathan (<3) chat and realize that hey, they don’t even really like Chris. Why are they following his lead?
Dom, who for some reason is starting to give me subtle Jake Johnson vibes, admits to Laurel that yes, he has an idol. She asks why he lied about it before, and he was kind of like, well, that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? He didn’t play it last week since he was really fooled into believing he was safe.
The Immunity Challenge
The immunity challenge is in front of us. Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. And once again, the challenge involves swimming. I bet it also involves puzzles!
Wait, I was wrong. It involves basketballs and precision.
Malolo sits out Desiree for the challenge while everyone else strategizes. Chris and Wendell make it to the ocean first, swimming towards a gigantic cage they have to climb, and later retrieve a heavy case from. Malolo is the first tribe to grab the case and get the balls. Naviti, meanwhile, is pretty much stuck on part of the challenge that Malolo mastered like, 2 hours ago. Naviti catches up quickly in the ball challenge, and once again, it’s anybody’s game. And hey, #HugeComeback, Naviti actually ends up winning! Malolo is PISSED.
Jeff Probst uses this as an opportunity to remind everyone to never, ever give up. You, too, can one day put balls on a thin ledge one day.

Bradley, who wants to play like Boston Rob, admits that the mood was somber when they got back, but he’s glad things can happen. Stephanie knows she’s on the chopping block based on her start with Malolo and writes out “Hope” in the sand while talking about how she’s a single mom who deserves better.
Brendan thinks that there’s something they can do — play the idol that Michael found, and go from having a 0% chance to a 25% chance. They’re gunning for Bradley.
Sidenote — I just looked Michael up, and he’s only 18 years old, making the mini-crush I was forming super, super gross.
Tribal Council
On night 12, the fourth tribal council goes down. Fire represents life. We’re getting this speech since this is the first time some of the Survivors are present this season.
Bradley is listed as the ringleader, and even though Bradley’s all like, “No, we really like each other and plan on playing together!” Michael busts out the idol, and very very briefly tells the story of James. He admits that all of the votes are going to Bradley, so the other tribemates can make up their own minds and get him out of the game tonight. Sebastian seems really intrigued.
And with that, it’s time to vote. When Sebastian votes, he whispers to the camera, “I don’t know what just happened.” Michael plays the idol for Stephanie. Bradley gets four votes and Brendan gets four as well. There’s only one vote left and it’s…Brendan. Well, that didn’t go the way they planned. “That was a Survivor showdown,” Probst says with a smile