Previously on Teen Mom 2, I wasn’t here! I was on vacation. So these “previously on Teen Mom 2” clips are new to me too. I guess Javi and Briana talked after Briana got surgery? And Kail and Leah, BFFs forever, hung out and Leah talked about Ali’s health issues. Also, Babs talks about Jenelle’s guns, and let me tell you, I think that’s going to be a huge plot point this episode.
But first, the boring stuff. Sorry, Chelsea. Watson goes to a museum, which is every 1-year-old’s dream. Chelsea meets with her mom, who tells her she looks great. They discuss Adam possibly visiting Aubree, but state it’s unlikely as he never set up visits at the visitation center. “It’s just a sad situation,” mom says.
Leah got back from Hawaii and is about to meet up with all her girls. She collects the twins first and is on her way to meet Addie. Supposedly Ali couldn’t eat for five days, and Leah thinks it’s due to fatigue. Addie is simply chilling on the couch when Leah comes over to shower her with kisses. “Thank you for coming,” Addie says with a smile. Leah says she had fun, but she felt guilty and missed her girls. MOTHERHOOD.
I guess I have to watch Briana’s segment too, right? Okay, so she hasn’t gotten surgery just yet. But Javi will spend a few days with her for some reason, even though they’re broken up. I used to like Javi. Now, it’s blatantly obvious he’s just a little hungry for screentime. “He thinks he’s a playa,” Briana’s mom states. “Don’t trust him. He’s shady.”
Kail’s New Legal Battle
Now it’s Kail’s segment. She’s talking about Chris and says she’s pissed off that he can get cut slack due to Kail’s income. “He won’t be held to his full potential,” she says. Supposedly he sends over a pack of diapers every month. Diapers are expensive, but they’re not everything.

Jace and Jenelle are off to get ice cream, and Jace is totally not feeling it. He also shouldn’t be in the front seat. Jace looks at her new ID, and says he wants to change his own last name. But not to Eason — to “something better.” Jenelle said she chose Evans since his dad wasn’t around. Right after that happens, Jenelle gets tailgated. “I will go slow the whole way,” she says. Eventually, the guy passes… and cuts in front of her. Briefly braking, Jenelle goes berserk. She asks Jace for his phone, presumably to call the police.
But, we don’t know for sure since now it’s Chelsea’s segment. She’s touring the visitation center with Cole. Watson is asleep in the back seat. Then, another Briana segment. She’s about to get cut open by Dr. Miami, and, boring. Brittany and Devoin drive up, and Brittany comments that next time she’s in Miami, it should be to get drunk. Then she tries to bring up Javi with Devoin. Devoin had headphones in the entire time. Smart man.
Cut to Leah. She just got news that Ali’s aid is going to be dropped for no reason whatsoever. The girls don’t know what “dropped” means until Leah explains. “It’s the school district’s fault,” she exclaims. Things were so negative that Leah had to step out of the car and talk to a producer about it. They had a meeting stating that she definitely needs an aid, as she can’t function without one. Still, she was dropped “This is insane,” Leah says. “I’m pissed.”
Kail is out of court, and it looks like Chris is on the hook for $346 a month. It could have been less. But whatever, Jenelle is up now.
OMG, Jenelle
She calls 911 on a white F-150, and, driving while on the phone, said she had to slam on the breaks since he cut in front of her. That wasn’t as severe looking as she made it sound on the phone, to be honest. Jenelle decides to follow the driver, with a psychotic smile on her face while pocketing a real life gun. Jace, bless his soul, says that if the driver hurts her, he can shoot a Nerf gun at him. Jenelle drives up to the guy’s house and takes pictures, and yells out about how she has three cameras in her car that caught the whole thing. Then, she backs into a mailbox.
Yo, Jace is watching all of this and it’s scaring me, a viewer. I feel so bad for that kid. She pulls the gun on the guy, supposedly — cameras don’t show it, but the MTV screen states it totally happened. This is all based on a road incident I’ve literally had like, 30 times in my life.
Now, back to Leah. She meets up with Corey, who also thinks they shouldn’t have to go through any of this. The two of them co-parent pretty well.
But What Happened To Jenelle
Anyway, back to Jenelle. She’s yelling at “babe” on the phone and speeding away. David is actually the voice of reason, saying that she shoudn’t be following people. “Dude, he hit my car,” Jenelle yells. But, David still thinks she was in the wrong here. Jenelle hangs up and now tells someone else that she almost swerved off the highway. Sure. She gets pulled over, and the police ask her if she has “something going on.” Jenelle burst into tears about the tailgater. She tells her sob story about Jace almost hitting his head on the dashboard. This is just hard to watch. Jace honestly needs to not be filmed anymore. It’s always just heartbreaking.
Chelsea and Cole are still talking about the visitation center. They’re sad since the center calls Adam about making appointments, which is kind of lame. All of this is lame next to Jenelle’s batshit crazy incident, let’s be honest.

Briana’s surgery is over, and she looks like a vegetable. Javi pets her head. What a nice man, I guess. Briana cries for her mom and seems to be in pain, but I don’t really care that much? Since this was an elective surgery she didn’t need, and her daughter has to go to school tomorrow. Brittany openly laughs at her sister’s pain. Brittany is pretty much the girl who thinks she’s super funny, but is actually just a huge bully. Devoin and Javi meet and it’s weird.
Then, Briana’s mom gets real on Javi and tells him that he moved way fast and was a little reckless. “Kail might not have had a mother, Briana does,” she states. Then she also mentions how it was shady to be on Kail’s podcast. She pretty much stated he’s only there for the cameras since he wants to be a superhero. Javi is all like, “screw you guys, I’m outta here!”
Now, we end on more Jenelle. Jace calls Babs and tells her the whole story. Jace says the guy was trying to block them and mentioned how Jenelle went ahead and pointed a gun at him. “Now we got pulled over,” he says. He sits in the car, looking dejected. The front seat is empty. Somewhere, Babs is crying. Seriously.
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Why the hell does Jenelle have custody of any children. Poor Jace it will be a miracle if that child grows into any type of normal adult. And where are the troopers, they leave a child in the car alone after an incident like this, and I don’t see them taking the gun for safe measure