Starting the second episode of Teen Mom 2, Lincoln and Isaac are back from their Florida vacation — but due to school, they can’t come to the reunion with Kail. Kail doesn’t totally want to bring Lux because he’s not vaccinated yet, and he’s still so little. “I’m not fully aware of what the reunion is going to look like,” she says to a friend. Kail thinks Javi is being shady, and wishes he was being honest.

Briana, at one point, texted Kail to tell her she was just friends with Javi. It would have been a noble effort at friendship, if it were true, Kail doesn’t think she’s a good person and has nothing good to say about her.
Briana is also talking about the reunion. Her sister tells her not to focus on the gossip. She mentions the text, and how she just wants everyone to get along, and Brittany says she doesn’t know her well enough. Brittany also thinks that Briana always does the thing she says she’s not going to do, and also? Brittany thinks that Javi is nasty.
Now, an original castmember I care about — Leah is talking to Corey on the phone to coordinate a schedule for the twins. She talks about how Aleeah Grace has been acting out a lot recently. She talks to Ali during a game of Connect Four to talk about California, while Aleeah Grace (aka “Gracie,” for the record) hangs outside with Addie.
Jenelle is also talking to the reunion with David, and says that she’s nervous since her mom and Nathan will be there. She doesn’t want Kaiser to be around any drama. I wish I could do this recap and omit David all together, especially since he was fired from the show later on in filming, but that’d be difficult. David asks if the other girls from the show will be there, and David refers to them as her “girlfriends.” Jenelle says that Briana is the only one who’s not two-faced. Kail has an attitude, and she wants to avoid all situations that might bring the drama.
Chelsea’s Two Seconds Of Airtime
Now it’s Chelsea’s turn to talk about the reunion. She’s already in California with Aubree, who was psyched to go this time. Watson is also there since he’s a young’un. Ali and Gracie are also there. Leah tells her producers and her friend about what happened at the VMAs, and how she had no clue whether or not she should tell Kail about the trip. She didn’t want to turn it into gossip, but — well — here we are.
This is Briana’s first reunion, as she was added to the cast last season. Javi stops by and says it’s hot outside. He’s wearing a jacket, which is probably why. Javi brings up long distance relationships, and how it’s only a two-hour flight from Delaware to Florida. He wants to take her on a date, and she reminds him not to start something she can’t finish. She just doesn’t want any issues with anyone, which IS TOTAL BULLSHIT.
Kail’s in town with Lux, and her friend Bone (I knew this was a person, but why?) see Briana. Kail talks to Larry about why there’sno room for Bone and Lux to go that’s secluded, since he’s unvaccinated, and obviously Jenelle and Briana have cooties. “This is a fucking joke,” Kail says. She says she was told there’d be a separate space and thinks the show put them together for added drama. Briana is talking to someone on the phone (maybe Javi?) like a diva while Kail sends her daggers with her icy stare.
Unseen Moments
The girls shoot the Unseen Moments special, but even though they’ve all been on stage already, it’s still an awkward time for Briana and everyone else. Leah talks about it with her friend Kylie, since obviously everyone brought a support friend to this reunion. She says that everyone’s playing it well, but there’s still a lot of tension.
Chelsea, who I totally forgot was even here, gets kissy with Cole and Watson. The next special (“fake New Year’s party”) also features the Teen Mom OG cast, which is good, since I already miss Maci. And girl does not disappoint in the two seconds she gets on air.
Briana and Jenelle talk about the situation, and Briana doesn’t want a Teen Mom OG situation like with Farrah and the rest of the gang — she wants to be on stage with everyone else. Jenelle talks shit about Kail and Chelsea and says they’ve always been mean girls — even before Briana was added.
Mixing Casts
The girls mingle, and Babs hugs Cate, and I’m not going to lie — it’s surreal to see them all together. Babs has a bum leg since she fell at Walmart, and chats up Jo. Briana talks to Javi and Brittany about how awkward everything was, and I am so tired of hearing from her. Seriously. I’m holding off on recapping until the next scene.
Kail skips out on the Teen Mom fake party, since she got word that Lux hasn’t stopped crying for an hour. Convenient, but hey. Still a good mom move. She misses out on watching Jenelle play beer pong and David drinks shots.
All of a sudden, David yells and says he’s leaving if he’s not getting more beer. And there is no more beer, so he’s leaving to go to the store. Pissed off by this, he pops balloons with a knife, and then him and Jenelle straight up leave. What?
Later, Leah admits she likes Briana, and doesn’t want to choose sides. She’s caught in a weird situation and felt uncomfortable and awkward. “You should act however you feel you need to act for yourself,” Bri tells her. Leah might be a little drunk, by the way. Later on, she’s crying about how she’ll always be loyal to Kail. This is a lot of drama, but it’s still coming off as being kind of boring.

Starting The Reunion
Now it’s time for the reunion. Bri says she still doesn’t know why Kail’s mad. Uh — really?
Chelsea’s segment is being filmed first. While that happens, Kail walks in with Lux — everything is okay with him, which is good news. Briana and Kail finally sit down and talk it out. Kail wants the two of them to be real about it. Briana says all it is right now is friendship. “Things got miscommunicated,” Briana said. Things seem good until Briana calls Kail a little salty. Kail wants to talk about it without the cameras since it’s bigger than anyone thought.
Brittany tries to verbally attack Kail after Kail calls Briana ratched, since she’s the real ratched one. And then the credits role. Next week, we’re getting more reunion and it looks like the shit just started.