On Marriage Boot Camp: Family Edition, it’s lie detector test day. Matt gets a little worried since he already did one of those on Teen Mom OG. And, well, you saw how that turned out. (If you didn’t, a mini-recap! It went poorly.) Matt and Amber are in terrible shape right now, especially after Matt saw that Amber called him out as a victim. She spewed a bit of hate when she flipped a switch, and the castmates are kind of terrified of her.
Matt’s terrified too. Talking to Dr. V, he admits he sometimes feels emotionally unsafe and believes his character has been assassinated. “It’s an awful way to live,” he says. V is a little worried how he wants to weasel his way out right on test day. “This is your chance to prove them and Amber wrong,” Dr. Ish says to him. Matt’s wearing a shirt with a logo blurred out, which makes me wonder if he figured that wearing it would make them not air this scene.
Matt’s Big Decision

Matt believes that some people can love each other but just not be together. He decides to go home since he knows it’s not going to be a safe environment for him. “Matt, in particular, is in a very unique position,” Dr. Ish says. Ish and V both think the whole abandonment was a crock of shit.
Matt gets escorted out. He tells the housemates before the Portwood family. Chrissy thinks the security is extreme, and Brandi thinks the security should come with him when he tells Amber firsthand.
“Why are you afraid of a girl?” Renee asks him. That’s kind of strange. Girls are scary. Amber can be very scary. “Why are you leaving on lie detector test day?” Amber asks. She says Matt looks high right now. He says Amber needs to focus on her mom. Amber yells at him and says she knows he’s leaving since he knows he’s not going to pass. “He decided to be MIA,” she says.
Brandi and Guy both think Amber is in total denial. Ish and V talk to the Portwoods and say that Matt feared for his safety. Before they could continue, Amber yells about Matt beating her up multiple times and leaves the room.
Lie Detector Day
The campers are asked to join together in the Boot Camp room. This is the final 48 hours of the show, and the campers will be getting a big gift today — answers. As expected, it’s lie detector day. Brandi is terrified.

Brandi and Guy are up first. Guy asked if Brandi was an escort, and that’s his big question. “I can’t believe that you still can’t let go of that,” Brandi says. For Amber, her question is whether or not she used the $35,000 she stole to gamble with. “I forgot,” Tonya admits.
Chrissy wants to know if Mama really wants to see them together. Jim wants to know if he works on his attitude if it’ll bring Chrissy back home.
Renee wants her sisters to know if they really believed her ex was beating her. Jen wants to know if Renee loves her differently than Lana. Lana believes the test would put her in danger, even though Jen and Renee are all for it. “Her unwillingness to take the test speaks volumes,” Ish says.
The cast gets hooked up to the test, and the cast wonders what’ll happen if Matt returns to the house after the test is done. The tough questions are asked — Amber says Matt beat her, and Jim says he’ll work on his anger.
Brandi admits again that she’s nervous, and the person administering the test tells her that it’s totally normal. Tonya is asked about drugs, and she said she only takes what’s prescribed by her doctor. She says she took just three pain pills and then paused when asked how much she’s drank today.
Mama is asked if she wants Jim and Chrissy together and I am HERE for that answer. Brandi thinks that while she’s always honest, she thinks she failed. Renee admits that after Brandi drinks a bit, she gets strangely loud and disrespectful. She gets all up in Jim’s business again.

Speaking of Jim, he pulls Mama and Chrissy outside and admits he needs to work on his attitude. He doesn’t want to leave the same way he came in. Ish and V watch this behind the scenes like it’s a fucking soap. Also outside is Amber yelling about her relationship with Matt. Brandi tells her she’s not the victim here, which Amber totally doesn’t respond well to, and says that she doesn’t have a “fake ass life” like Brandi does. The two are close to a brawl.
Meanwhile, Ish and V and Judge Lynn Toler talk to the people who administered the test. They admit that Brandi and Guy were extremely nervous. For the Joneses, they say that Chrissy says she’s the adult when the three are together. Mama had some difficulty but is honestly looking to improve her relationship with Chrissy.
As for Renee, she’s “quite a character.” Since Jen and Renee are in the same field, they share a different bond. But Lana not taking the test at all was a big deal for Renee.
Slurring Tonya
And now, the Portwoods. Amber, right away, said Matt hit and spit on her. For Tonya, she looked under the influence. “Her speech, her eyes, just her mannerism…” the test-administrator said. Ish and V think they need to keep a close eye on her and think it’s a good idea to grab an EMT. Ish thinks that it’s his duty to say something if someone’s at risk.
They take her pulse and blood pressure and then pretty much tell her that opiates and alcohol are a super terrible combo. Tonya gets mad that he keeps “going back to this drug thing.” She passes the nose-to-the-finger test, and the two dismiss her. But, Ish and V still think there might be a problem there. Renee thinks there is “not a question” that Tonya is addicted to pills in order to deal with Amber.
The Results
Now it’s time for the lie detector results.
Brandi and Guy are up first. Brandi asks if Guy was a drug dealer when she was young. Technically, he sold marijuana when she was young. “There was no deception in the case,” Lynn Toler said. But Guy said it was never nasty drugs. Guy asks Brandi about escorting. She said no, and there was no deception. “Everyone will now know that I was never an escort,” Brandi says in a celebratory tone.
Mama asked if Jim would consider working on his anger, and according to the test, yes! For Chrissy, she asked Mama about the relationship. Mama said yes, and Mama was right. The two hug. Jim asked Chrissy if she’ll move back to New Jersey if he works on himself. She says yes, but not the same house. And there was no deception indicated on her side. Mama asks Chrissy if she’s ashamed of her side of the family, and once again, no deception indicated. Everyone’s been very truthful so far!
The Grazianos are up next. Renee’s abuse question was up first. Jen answered yes, and there was no deception. The two hug. “Jennifer answered it honestly. I wish Lana took the test,” Renee admits. There was no deception on Jen’s question, either.

Now, the Portwoods. Amber’s question about Matt’s physical abuse found that she was telling the truth. “Matt is a piece of shit. I mean, I have love for him, but he’s a piece of shit,” Mama Jones hilariously states. For Tonya’s question, her response was inconclusive based on the drugs and alcohol. “Matt’s gone, and I get no answers,” Amber says. Tonya thinks it’s bullshit.
Amber is asked to stick around for a bit afterward. Ish tells her that they’re worried about her mom’s drug abuse. V tells her she got very defensive and very upset. Amber says she’s hesitant to call her mom and addict, but she’ll talk to her mom about it.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jim is in a bad mood once again. He decides to just go to bed. Brandi thinks it’s strange and makes sure Chrissy knows it’s abnormal for him to not make eye contact. Chrissy doesn’t think Brandi is actually sticking up for her in these situations since it’s always in front of an audience.
In the Portwood room, Amber and her mom have a real sit-down. Amber compares each pill to a shot.
In the Jones room, Chrissy and Jim get into a fight. Jim asks Chrissy if she’s “trying to be funny” while bringing up key issues, and walks right out of the house. Is he pulling a Matt? Who knows.
What I do know is, next week is the Marriage Boot Camp: Family Edition finale, and it looks like it’s going to be a doozy.