Welcome back to Teen Mom 2! Last week, Briana and Javi broke up. And David stopped filming. It was a good week.
This week, Briana is getting her surgery. She’s getting a mini tummy tuck (and is keeping her belly button, phew!) and a bunch of other shit. She doesn’t want Javi to show up, especially since he ran to Kail’s podcast the second they broke up. Oh, and because they’re done. Thank god he didn’t end up proposing.
Chelsea’s with her kids at gymnastics, and they showcase clips of Aubree in slow motion. It’s not really necessary, since it’s her doing a half cartwheel and jumping. It’s not super dramatic. Chelsea, who announced she was having a girl last episode, says her new girl has been kicking a lot. At their last ultrasound, she looked like a real baby. Speaking of daughters, it’s time for the father/daughter dance. In case you forgot, Aubree’s dad is a piece of crap. But at least she has Cole.
Leah and Jeremy are in the midst of planning a joint party for Addie, a first since their divorce. The party is over at SkyZone, and all the kids are having a blast. FYI: I went to SkyZone like, three years ago as an adult and I’m still feeling terrible. Seriously. Shattered bones and everything. But enough about my exaggerations — it’s Addie’s damn birthday. It must be pretty special for her to have both parents there.
Working Out
Javi has Lincoln this week, but he asked Kail to come over to watch him while he worked out. Whaaa? Lincoln tells Kail that Javi already worked out, meaning that maybe this is a trap to get Kail to come over. I wish Javi wasn’t such a weirdo, since I do think these two have a genuine, if not dysfunctional, love for each other.
Since we’re not getting David scenes, we’re getting more Barbara. Which, yessss. Barbara talks about Jace calling David and Jenelle “pieces of shit” earlier. Barbara admits to her son, who’s living there now and supposedly used to be BFFs with Jenelle, that things are violent and dysfunctional over there. “Now, she doesn’t even say hello,” Babs says. “I think it’s important for Jace, to help him grow…to have therapy with Jenelle.” I have to say, poor Jace. All his childhood issues are out on camera for the world to see.
My mom talked so much shit about me and David my son doesn’t even know me anymore. You can say “you and David argue all the time” but people that know us personally know we are fine, so you can stop repeating rumors. https://t.co/mUsgcWHVgK
— Jenelle Eason (@PBandJenelley_1) July 7, 2018
Back to Kail — she’s about to record her podcast, and Leah will be on this week. Leah’s not super nervous, but Kail admits it’s mostly light. She needs to bring an outfit or two for photos, which is… interesting. Prior to, she did makeup for her podcast. But maybe every episode includes a photoshoot?
Briana’s Surgery Garbage
Briana is leaving for her surgeries, and she’s having an ex watch over her during her recovery. Supposedly Javi is upset. Even though, again, they’re not dating anymore. For the record, Briana stated on Twitter that this whole relationship was faked for the show, but I honestly don’t think she’s that good of an actress.
For the Daddy Daughter Dance, Cole buys a corsage for Aubree. And he also got a haircut, since he wanted to look good “for his sweetie.” It is majorly sweet, but the way he said it was a little cringeworthy. Aubree gets her hair curled by Chelsea, and there are even more slow motion scenes. She looks super cute. This whole thing is seriously adorable. I wish the dance ended with Cole officially adopting Aubree as his own.

Now a scene with Jenelle and her friend Jamie. Jenelle is psyched about taking Jace to therapy, since she agrees she has some stuff to work out with him. Jenelle states Jace has a great time on the land, which I doubt.
Kail and Leah catch up a little before the podcast, and Kail admits the two haven’t hung out together one-on-one since 2012. The two discuss the insane reunion and their upcoming trip to Hawaii. Leah doesn’t want to go to any “Lu-how’s.” Precious.
The two discuss how their ex relationships are very similar. And honestly, their friendship in general just seems very real. Hey MTV, since you’ve kind of botched up the cast list of the Teen Mom franchise, maybe you should have a Leah and Kail buddy spinoff.
The Daiquiri He Never Asked For
Jace and Jenelle come back from therapy, and Jenelle says she’s wanted to go with him for awhile. On the car ride home, Jenelle tells him how she’s now a member of the NRA. Jace isn’t super impressed. But he is somewhat impressed with their dinner plan. They’re going to some place “on stilts” out on the water.
Jace gets a virgin strawberry daiquiri, ordered by Jenelle She just gets water. COOL MOM. Jenelle drills him about therapy and why it’s important, and if she tags along, she’ll also buy him steaks and fake drinks.

It’s podcast time. Kail tells Leah that Jeremy has threatened to call in, and she’s cool with it. But, she probably appreciated the heads up.
Kail asks Leah if she’ll ever get back together with Jeremy, but Leah says no. They’re friends, and they get along for Addie. Leah actually asks her if she’d have another kid with Jeremy, which, whaaaat.
Jeremy calls in with Addie, and gets a few questions. For one, do they want to get back together? He admits he loves Leah, and co-parents with her perfectly, but doesn’t see it happening. Perfect answer, dude.
In the final minutes, Briana is on her way to surgery, and talking about Javi, but honestly? It’s not interesting.